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Film Screening: “Le Misanthrope”

Humanities Council; Department of French and Italian Clément Hervieu-Léger, Visiting Belknap Fellow in the Humanities Council

October 10, 2019 · 7:00 pm · Princeton Garden Theatre

Comedie en cinq actes et en vers de MOLIERE -
Mise en scene par Clement HERVIEU LEGER -
Musique originale : Pascal SANGLA - Realisation sonore : Jean Luc RISTORD -
Scenographie : Eric RUF assiste de Dominique SCHMITT -
Lumiere : Bertrand COUDERC -
Costumes : Caroline DE VIVAISE - Creation coiffures : Fabrice ELINEAU -
Avec : Eric Ruf (Philinte)- Loic CORBERY (Alceste)- 
Et les Eleves comediennes de la Comedie Francaise : Heidi Eva CLAVIER(Domestique)- Lola FELOUZIS(Domestique)- Pauline TRICOT(Domestique)- 
Lieu : Comedie Francaise -
Ville : Paris -
Le 10 04 2014 -
Photo : Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE/WikiSpectacle

The Humanities Council and the Department of French and Italian present a screening of the film Le Misanthrope (2019) followed by a Q&A with, actor and director, Clément Hervieu-Léger, Visiting Belknap Fellow in the Humanities Council and the Department of French and Italian (Fall 2019).

From France comes this incredible stage production of Molière’s LE MISANTHROPE. Alceste loves Célimène, a flirtatious woman from Parisian high society. He loathes this world for its hypocritical etiquette but, shaken by a public trial he is called to by this social circle, he must visit Célimène to ask for her help. The film will be presented in French with English subtitles.

For tickets and further information, please visit: https://princetongardentheatre.org/films/le-misanthrope

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