Film Forum: White Supremacy in the White House
University Center for Human Values and Rockefeller College
October 23, 2017 · 7:00 pm · Rocky Theater

White Supremacy in the White House: D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation (1916) and Workshop II
Guest Speaker: Dick Lehr
(Workshops involve running commentary during silent screening of the examined film.)
Film Forum Director: Erika Kiss, University Center for Human Values
Fall 2017: Propaganda or Art
The Film Forum is dedicated to the discussion of films that not only delight us in the spectacular ways cinema most naturally does but also leave us puzzled, challenged, unsettled, or even irritated. The films we show cry out for discussion and have afforded us on many Monday nights in the Rocky Theater with the pleasure of intelligent and passionate conversation.
This forum connects the members of the Princeton public inside and outside of the university and a core audience has developed from the regularly participating students, faculty, and other Princetonians. The Film Forum provides a great opportunity to witness the intellectual talent of Princeton in action and, moreover, to engage with it.