Combahee Experimental: Black Women’s Experimental Filmmaking — Filmmaking in Troubled Times
Department of Art and Archaeology; Program in Visual Arts
October 7, 2020 · 6:00 pm—8:00 pm · via Zoom

Co-curated by award-winning multi-media artist Simone Leigh and Black feminist theorist of visual culture and contemporary art Tina Campt, this series of conversations and film screenings that celebrate the work of Black women filmmakers and their unique cinematic contributions to contemporary visual culture. Filmmakers Julie Dash and Barbara McCullough join in conversation with Angela Davis and curator Leigh, followed by a screening of a selection of early works from the women of the LA Rebellion movement.
Featured Films:
- Dash, Illusions (1982)
- McCullough, Water Ritual #1: An Urban Rite of Purification (1979)
- Camille Billops and James Hatch, Suzanne, Suzanne (1982)
- Zeinabu irene Davis, Cycles (1989)
Registration required for Zoom webinar.