UCHV Film Forum: Ben Solomon’s The Fight for Falluja (2016)
University Center for Human Values
April 11, 2022 · 7:00 pm—9:00 pm · Wallace Hall, Stokes Library

The Times has produced a virtual-reality film about the war in Iraq that transports you directly into the violent center of the unraveling. “The Fight for Falluja” allows viewers to experience, firsthand, the battles that Iraqi forces endured to retake Falluja form ISIS this June. Ben C. Solomon, the Pulitzer Prize-winning filmmaker and video journalist for The New York Times, chronicles the push to retake the city and the aftermath, not just of that battle but of the larger war that has devastated the entire region. (11 min.)
Register for this screening here.
The spring season of the Film Forum is dedicated to immersive films. PU ID-holders can register for our Monday events of synchronized headset-viewing of six award-winning VR films. The audience will be able to experience the short virtual reality films in groups of ten at the same time from 7 PM to 9 PM. Discussion with a student and faculty panel will follow the VR experience from 9 PM.
Learn more about the Film Forum here: https://uchv.princeton.edu/events/film-forum